
Combining effective and engaging content strategies with meaningful storytelling


move your audience to action

We believe in telling meaningful, authentic stories that are defined by what you say, not how many times you say it. We reach and connect with real people and make a real impact by adding value and making people feel something. Forget what you’ve seen before. Forget what everyone else is doing. Wherever your story is told, it’ll be original, compelling and it’ll do its job.


Human & Authentic.

Engage the right people

All content needs to feel human, authentic, real. It needs to be shareable, add value, engage its intended audience, and move them down the funnel from the top, rather than just selling to them at the bottom.

Form meaningful connections.

Creating the most impact

At The Media People, we want to reach and connect with real people. As media experts, we know exactly how to distribute your story to make the biggest impact, moving your audience to action.


Our Content Framework




Through a comprehensive Discovery process, we employ various strategies such as Brand Watch Sentiment Audit, Competitor Landscape Research, Current Usage Audit, and Content Immersion Session to gain insights and understand the essence of your brand.



We craft a robust content strategy by developing key elements including content pillars, a key messaging matrix, as well as content guidelines and a briefing document, ensuring a solid foundation for your brand’s storytelling and communication efforts.



We implement a comprehensive 3–6 month content plan, strategically mapping out your brand’s storytelling journey. Through an agreed retainer, we execute this plan, ensuring consistent and high-quality content delivery that resonates with your audience.