Salesforce & Datorama Event – Marketing Analytics in a Cookie-less World

The event

As Google recently put a pause on its cookie-less policy, the world continues to hold its breath about what the future marketing landscape will look like. In light of this, we were even more excited to attend Salesforce and Datorama’s event last week about Marketing Analytics in a Cookie-less World. An unmissable opportunity to take stock and perfect our post-cookie strategy, check out some of our key takeaways from the event:

Privacy is

Using third-party cookies to target consumers is a thing of the past. As online users are learning more about how their data is used, there will be an even bigger push towards marketing that takes user privacy into consideration. Now, marketing strategies should be built around using first party data to build trust and engage with online users - with their full consent!

consumer value

First party data comes from users who have actively engaged and consented to be contacted by the brand. So the question remains, how can you keep your audience interested? Instead of overloading your audience with transactional ads, give your consumers something that they actually want to see! From newsletters to relevant tips and tricks for specific audiences, there’s no better way to build good relationships with current and future customers.

Break section


@Amy it would be nice to have a bit of content to break up the sections here. Maybe a quote even? Some stats below?


We’ve increased EMEA routes to Japan from 1 to 8.


ANA is growing four times faster internationally than their main competitor.


Closer cooperation with your team

To navigate the uncertainty of a post-cookie landscape, it’s vital that everyone on your team is singing from the same hymn sheet. People will have to pay closer attention to the marketing funnels that can be tracked to identify what works and what doesn’t, while relaying this information to members of your team. Not everything can be explained by data, so look to your team to fill in the blanks of your marketing analysis.

Build trust
in your data

Your consumers won’t trust your data if you don’t. To make sure your data is doing what you need and recording correctly, marketers should prioritize learning basic analysis skills on the data for the campaigns they’re running. This way you’ll be confident to make the right decisions time and time again.

An opportunity
rather than a problem

Given the multitude of questions surrounding a cookie-less world, it might be tempting to hit panic stations. Don’t give into temptation - this is good news for marketers as much as it is for users! Provide your customers with value, solid data, and a uniform approach, and you’ll be rewarded with an audience that is more engaged than ever.